Just some fun knitting (Weekend Update: 7-8/9/19)

I was busy hanging out with friends this weekend so I just worked on my test knit. Test knitting is pretty fun - sometimes it’s nice to take a break from working on your own designs and just following your own. I also like being very detailed and giving people feedback, so test knitting is perfect for that.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if I should give tech editing a go. I’ve been thinking about it as a revenue stream. I’ve read so many patterns that I have a good sense for how they should work, I get a lot of feedback that my notes are very detailed and helpful when I do test knits, and I’ve actually found mistakes in already published patterns that I’ve bought that I was able to relay back to the designer. I’d have to do a bit of research into how to get started - the idea of checking patterns without actually knitting them is a bit intimidating.

I think I’m going to be ok with having weekend updates instead of daily ones if the weekend is busy doing other things. I want to be careful with making sure that I do give myself time to hang out with people and have a life outside of knitting, because if my hobby is going to be my job it’ll be very easy to accidentally just work all the time.

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