The hexagon blanket pattern is ready to go! (Daily Update: 10/9/19)

I spent most of my time today cleaning up the pattern for my hexagon blanket. The charts (there are two) and the actual knitting instructions are all cleaned up and ready to go, and I added in as much extra info as I could (eg the yarn details). The only things I can’t fill out yet are gauge, yardage and final dimensions since they’ll be very dependent on the new yarn. I messaged Claire today and she says she should have the yarn shipped to me by the end of the week. We’re going on a road trip later this week so I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll get it before then (it’d be nice to have it for the long drive)! But if not I’ll just start on it next week.

I also started a style sheet. Style sheets are documents where you outline the conventions you use to write your knitting patterns - how you indicate repeats, how you name or number colours, your abbreviations, and so on. I’ve been wanting a style sheet for a while but didn’t really know where to start, so I figured I’d just start noting down the wording and notation I used in this pattern to begin with. Having a style sheet is going to save me a lot of time because usually when I write patterns I have to go hunting through my old patterns to find out how I’ve worded things in the past. Also in writing the sheet up I’ve realised that I’ve unintentionally changed things from pattern to pattern which isn’t great, so this’ll be a really good thing to have for consistency going forward.

I don’t actually have anything on my needles right now which is weird. I’ve gotten a bit discouraged about the shirt pattern - frogging it was a bit of a blow since it’s fingering weight. I think I know how to fix the pattern so hopefully I’ll feel a bit more motivated tomorrow and I can cast on.

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