Test knits and design applications (Daily Update: 11/9/19)

Most of what I’m trying to focus on right now is finding ways of designing that pay upfront - I haven’t had many sales yet publishing my own patterns, and I think publishing for magazines/services will a) get my name out there and b) get me more revenue than I currently get self-publishing.

So today I started typing up an email to be a KnitCrate designer. KnitCrate is a subscription box that sends out one or two skeins of yarn and a booklet of patterns once a month to subscribers. I also got an email from KnitPicks with a new call for submissions, so I’ve been having a think about what I want to do there.

In terms of actually knitting, I finished off the second half of the test knit I was doing. It’s a very quick knit so it was done in a few hours while we were driving around running errands.

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