Up to my ears in lace charts (Daily Update: 12/9/19)

Today I finished off my email to KnitCrate, but then I realised I have someone who may have a contact there - my friend Michele of Stitch and Hustle. KnitCrate sponsored on of her events, so I reached out to see if she’d be willing to do an introduction for me. I’ve learned from my career and just life in general that getting an introduction to someone is always better than cold calling them.

I also worked on my application for the new KnitPicks collection. The ask this time around is for geometric lacy shawls, and I think something like my Jigsaw Shawl would be a great submission. I combed through my copy of Charted Knitting Designs and found a pattern that looks great and will convert into a triangle shape well. I spent the night converting it into a triangle - it took a while to figure it out but I got it in the end!

Also that link to the book I just posted reminds me that I need to look into affiliate links again. A few months ago I looked up how to sign up as an affiliate with various websites I like (and would probably link to), but there were some weird tax things to do with living in NYC. Now that we’ve moved it’s worth looking at again.

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